Only the most qualified attorneys are listed on
This site contains contact information for Placer County attorneys who have passed our screening test as experts in their area of law. Unlike most attorney evaluation sites, this site does not charge any of the attorneys to be on this site and does not accept payment to change an attorney’s status on this site. We strive to remain neutral.
To be added to a section below, the attorney must:
- Have a primary practice in the county.
- Dedicate much or all of his or her practice to the listed area of law.
- Not have a record of incompetence with the California Bar.
- Be in practice five years or more.
- Be generally known to the site administrators as highly competent.
- Be published in a law book or journal related to his or her area of law and/or be certified by the Bar in the listed area of law.
Attorneys are listed in random order.
Criminal Defense Attorneys
- James Shin (530)889-0280
- David Cohen (530)823-7700
- Stanley Switzer (916)788-0246
- Jess Bedore (916)783-5060
- Thomas Leupp (530)888-1100
- Barry Zimmerman (530)823-7700
Family Law Attorneys
- Cynthia Danielle Cook Jamison (916) 472-6232
- April Dianne Maynard (530) 888-7700
- Kristen Goodwin Alexander (530) 888-3848
- Sandra Rae Myers (916) 780-0440
- Janet Kosid Uthe (916) 668-9906
- Donald Andrew Hansen (916) 390-0691
- H Craig Miller (916) 772-1529
- Jason Robert Sherlock (916) 757-6630
- Lowry Pollard Sinclair (916) 783-3290
- James Sanford Lazar (530) 823-1303
- Susan Jayne Ralston (916) 782-4747
- Dirk Roy Amara (530) 885-8248
- Christopher Reed Collins (530) 888-1905
- Maria Elida Valdez (916) 789-9400
- Harrison L Goodwin (530) 888-3848
- Patricia Denise Clark (916) 472-6232
Bankruptcy Attorneys
- Helga White (530)885-4433
- Gary Harris (916)567-1400
Immigration Attorneys
- No attorneys in this county meet the standards for this category
Estate Planning & Probate Attorneys
- Michael Shuttleworth (530)823-7499
- David Kelly (916)822-8700
- Randall Wilson (916)783-5281
- Edward Goodson (530)269-1515
- Michelle Martin (916)434-2550
- Juliette Tognetti (916)434-2550
- Dianna Wilke (916)837-9091
- James Cunningham (530)269-1515
- Ernest Tuttle (916)782-4402
- Guy Gibson (916)782-4402
- John Palley (916)920-5983
- Margaret Fulton (530) 823-2010
Related Services
Some people who don’t need a full-service attorney can save considerable money by using a Paralegal, Licensed Document Assistant, Notary, Traffic School, or QDRO expert. We are, therefore, happy to recommend the following businesses: